Posted On: August 17, 2022 by Community HealthCare System in: News

The Northeast Kansas Healthcare Coalition, or NEKSHCC, recently donated three pieces of equipment to Community HealthCare System. The equipment was worth more than $1,000 and included one each of the following:
- Microsoft Surface Laptop Go
- 3M Littmann CORE Stethoscope
- ChoiceMMed Oxywatch Fingertip Pulse Oximeter
The stethoscope is a specialized instrument with features such as sound amplification, noise cancellation, and connection to software that helps detect heart murmurs and arrythmia.
Physician Assistant Jeremy Brandt is using the new stethoscope.
“I appreciate the donation from the NEKSHCC. I've wanted to try an amplified stethoscope for a while. There is no question that heart sounds are louder with it, and when the stethoscope is paired via Bluetooth with the Eko app and noise canceling is employed, the sounds are very crisp,” Brandt said.
NEKSHCC received an Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response (ASPR) COVID-19 grant through KDHE to help alleviate stress on hospital systems. As part of this grant, the Healthcare Coalition purchased laptops, digital stethoscopes, and pulse oximeters to use in serving patients through telehealth or in person.
Todd Willert, CHCS CEO, said the equipment was welcome.
“We thank the Coalition for the donation. CHCS will put the pieces to good use serving our patients and communities,” Willert said.
CHCS plans to use the laptop for staff to check out when they need to work offsite, and the pulse oximeter, a small device that clips onto a finger and measures how much oxygen is in someone’s blood, will be allocated to a clinic or a patient in need.
Photo captions: Physician Assistant Jeremy Brandt uses the 3M Littmann CORE Stethoscope to listen to a patient's heart (above), and the specialized stethoscope that connects to software and provides sound amplification, noise cancellation, and other features (below).