Posted On: November 29, 2022 by Community HealthCare System in: News

Four northeast Kansas healthcare organizations recently collaborated to raise funds for Damon’s Purpose, a grassroots organization dedicated to suicide awareness and prevention and improving mental health. We’re proud to say that employees from Sabetha Community Hospital, Nemaha Valley Community Hospital, Holton Community Hospital, and Community HealthCare System raised $5,813.15 for this amazing cause! We hope it will help Damon’s Purpose continue to do amazing work in our area, particularly in reaching out to youth to remind them that ‘It’s OK to not be OK’ and to seek help with mental health.
Part of the fundraiser was a friendly competition among the hospitals to see which one could raise the most money per capita. We created a traveling trophy, and we plan to engage in fundraising for a charitable cause each year. This year’s winner was Community HealthCare System, which raised $9.65 per employee! We look forward to future competitions with our area healthcare colleagues to benefit other worthy organizations and to presenting the funds we raised this year to Damon’s Purpose! Learn more about the organization.
Photo caption: Representatives from the NE Kansas hospitals gathered with the Quigley family to celebrate raising more than $5,800 for Damon's Purpose. Back row: Mark Wessel (Nemaha Valley Community Hospital); Jennifer Matson (Nemaha Valley Community Hospital); Mindy Olberding (Community HealthCare System); Courtney Schmelzle (Nemaha Valley Community Hospital); Beth Brokamp (Nemaha Valley Community Hospital); Jennifer Ploeger (Sabetha Community Hospital). Front row: The Quigley family -- Ron, Brenda (Damon in photo), Taegan, and Noah.
Our hospital CEOs are pictured below, L to R: Carrie Saia, Holton Community Hospital; Kiley Floyd, Nemaha Valley Community Hospital; Dr. James Longabaugh, Sabetha Community Hospital; Todd Willert, Community HealthCare System. Thank you to our CEOs and all of our associates for their support!