Posted On: January 12, 2023 by Community HealthCare System in: News

Community HealthCare System wants to connect with you!
You come to us for appointments, but did you know that CHCS can come to YOU for a group meeting or gathering? We can provide a speaker with great information tailored to your audience. Options are listed below. Most presentations last 30 minutes; longer programs are noted in the descriptions. To schedule, email [email protected] or call 785-889-5133.
Community Resource Awareness
- Advance Directives and Community Resources: Make life easier by learning about Meals on Wheels, transportation assistance, and more, plus learn how to ensure that your wishes are carried out if you are unable to communicate them. A member of our social work team will help you understand the value of advance directives and how to obtain them through a living will or power of attorney.
- Medicare Open Enrollment: Have questions about Medicare open enrollment? You aren’t alone. Finding good information and getting some guidance on the best path for you is important. We’ll connect you with local SHICK counselors to help evaluate your Medicare options.
- Swing Bed Program: The CHCS Swing Bed Program provides rehabilitation and recovery services for patients who need time to rebuild strength following illness or surgery. The goal is to help patients return home and live independently or with the help of community resources. Our speaker will review the many services available through our Swing Bed Program and answer questions.
- Home Health Care: Community HomeHealth provides intermittent, part-time care in a patient’s home to help patients meet goals and maintain the maximum level of independence. Our speaker will review available services and answer questions.
Healthy Living
- Heart Healthy Nutrition: Our Cardiopulmonary Rehab Nurse and Registered Dietitian will talk about easy, fun recipes and heart-healthy food choices, plus review resources available at CHCS to help you start moving toward a healthier life.
- Fitness and Fall Risk Reduction: Falls are our number one cause of injuries. Learn from a member of our Rehabilitation/Therapy team how you can make your environment safer and how you can build strength to avoid problems.
- Medication Awareness and Safety Practices: Using medications safely is important for your health. Unsafe use of medications can contribute to harmful events, including hospitalization. A member of the CHCS team will talk about how to be your own health advocate and help you learn how to use medications safely.
- Nutritional Awareness: Learn about sugar and salt contents of food and why they matter as you plan meals and make purchasing decisions. This presentation can be adapted to different age groups and different lengths (30 minutes to 1 hour). Hands-on activities are included!
- Adulting 101: This course is typically offered to graduating high school seniors. The purpose is to teach them to consider nutrition, budgeting, and salt/sugar content of foods when making purchasing decisions as well as to help them adopt a body-positive view and get enough exercise after leaving high school. The session usually lasts at least 2 hours and includes hands-on activities.
- Smoking Cessation: Learn why it’s important to quit and strategies that can help from our Cardiopulmonary Rehab experts.
- Healthy Mind/Healthy Body: Break the stigma of confronting mental health issues by talking about ways to de-stress, increase mindfulness, and keep your mind healthy.
Risk Awareness
- Stroke Awareness: Stroke is a leading cause of death and long-term disability in the United States. In many cases, strokes don’t have to be disabling or deadly. Knowing the warning signs of a stroke and acting quickly may help you or your loved one escape the damaging effects of a “brain attack.” This program will review the causes of stroke, risk factors, the signs and symptoms of a stroke, AND what steps you can take to help BE FAST in providing help.
- STOP the Bleed: The number one cause of preventable death after injury is bleeding. This course helps bystanders become trained, equipped, and empowered to help in a bleeding emergency before professional help arrives
- Mental Health First Aid (MHFA): This specialized course helps participants learn how to recognize the signs that someone is experiencing a mental health crisis as well as how to reach out and connect someone with appropriate resources. Youth MHFA is available for adults who interact with youth. Adult MHFA teaches adults how to help other adults. Both classes last around 6 hours; cost is $30 per participant for books and materials. Teen Mental Health First Aid (tMHFA) is available for high school sophomores through seniors when offered by a school or youth group; some restrictions apply. Typical classroom time is six 45-minute sessions led by our tMHFA instructors.
- Screen Sanity: Navigating your child’s screen time is harder every day. Learn what you need to know about screen time and how to make positive changes in a small group setting with brief videos and discussion. Take away real-life strategies to help you feel better about your child’s access to phones and other devices. This is a multi-session class led by a trained discussion leader. Length varies.
Don’t see what you’re looking for? Let us know, and we can customize a presentation for your group. We look forward to seeing you!
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Krista Morris | Feb 10th 2023 @ 10:56 AM
I am the Mental Health Liaison for USD 320 Wamego Schools. I am interested in learning more about the details related to the Teen Mental Health First Aid Trainings. Krista Morris 785.456.7682 USD 320 Wamego