Posted On: July 9, 2020 by Community HealthCare System in: News

Masks or face coverings are required for all who enter Community HealthCare System facilities effective Monday, July 13.
Masks were previously required for certain patients and visitors but optional for support persons and patients with wellness appointments, but the recent uptick in COVID-19 cases around the state and in northeast Kansas caused CHCS to re-examine the policy. Associates have worn masks at work since April and will continue to do so.
Dr. Tom Walsh said that Kansas has been fortunate to see a fairly low death rate from COVID-19, and he hopes to keep it that way.
"It's a proven fact that wearing masks reduces the spread of the virus and reduces cases. With more cases out there, there will be more deaths," Dr. Walsh said.
Dr. Walsh noted that wearing masks will help keep businesses open, and that wearing a mask is a sign of respect to those around you. Along with a mask policy, CHCS has adopted a number of safety and cleaning protocols to protect both patients and associates. Learn more about how CHCS is helping prevent the spread of COVID-19.
"The bottom line: I know it's an inconvenience. I don't like to wear a maks any more than anyone else. We need to ask ourselves as a society, what would be an acceptable number of deaths to offset that inconvenience of wearing a mask in public?" Dr. Walsh said.
A few exceptions apply.
- Children ages 5 and under are not required to wear masks.
- Patients exercising during cardiac stress tests will not be required to wear masks.
- Fitness Center patrons will not be required to wear masks while exercising as long as social distancing can be maintained.
- Others who have health conditions or problems associated with wearing masks may speak with registration staff about procedures to follow. Contact your clinic with questions.
If you don't have a mask, don't worry! CHCS will provide masks for patients, support persons, or visitors who need one.
Thank you for helping us prevent the spread of COVID-19 in our communities.