Posted On: November 22, 2022 by Community HealthCare System in: News

Dr. Heidi Smith has been providing orthopedic services at Community HealthCare System since the summer of 2021, including outpatient visits at the Onaga Specialty Clinic and minor surgical procedures such as trigger finger release and carpal tunnel release at Onaga Community Hospital. Knee arthroscopy procedures are the latest addition to services available in Onaga.
Knee arthroscopy uses a small camera to view into the knee joint. The procedure is a commonly used minimally invasive option that is used to diagnose and treat a variety of knee problems.
“We’re pleased to offer this option for our patients. Knee injuries such as torn cartilage are common, and our surgery team is eager to offer this service so patients don’t have to travel when it’s time for an arthroscopic procedure,” said Merica Surdez, chief of provider and clinic operations at CHCS.
Dr. Smith, who practices with Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Center in Manhattan, said she has enjoyed working with CHCS staff to expand services.
“Being a part of the CHCS community allows us to fulfill our goal of providing high-level care in a convenient setting. We are fortunate to have a surgical team at CHCS that is well trained, eager to learn, and easy to work with. I’m excited to expand our partnership to offer more procedures,” Dr. Smith said.
Arthroscopies are a routine part of Dr. Smith’s practice, as she is fellowship-trained in sports medicine with a focus on arthroscopy and minimally invasive techniques. Arthroscopic procedures often are used to address a wide variety of joint dysfunction, including damage to cartilage, torn ligaments, and soft tissues abnormalities throughout the joint. Advantages of arthroscopic surgical techniques include a quick recovery with minimal soft tissue trauma and less post-operative pain, which means patients can return to an active lifestyle efficiently and effectively.
Dr. Smith takes appointments in Onaga every other Wednesday each month. Patients can call 785-889-5039 to schedule. View the full CHCS Specialty Clinic Calendar.