Posted On: June 23, 2020 by Community HealthCare System in: News

The Northeast Kansas Healthcare Coalition is helping Community HealthCare System boost emergency preparedness by providing $7,060 in mini-grants. The funds purchased five 800-MHz radios for systemwide use and will expand the Holton Family Health Center generated electrical system.
Adding 800-MHz radios, which have statewide reach, across all CHCS campuses strengthens healthcare and medical response coordination in an emergency. CHCS previously conducted a hazard vulnerability analysis that demonstrated a need for the radios, which will be placed in Centralia, Frankfort, Holton, and Westmoreland clinics. One radio will also be reserved for hospital incident command in Onaga. The radios will allow for clear, reliable communication in times of crisis and provide an additional layer of redundancy and backup should other communication methods be unavailable. TFMComm, Inc. donated the radio programming in support of the grant.
The Holton Family Health Center project provides generator-supported lighting and receptacles in clinic exam rooms. Providing additional exam rooms in an emergency when power is out helps ensure quality care close to home during a disaster. If patients don't need to travel to obtain needed care, the burden on medical response is reduced, and emergency rooms and transportation can be reserved for those with acute conditions.
CHCS offers special thanks to the Coalition for the grants and to Jackson and Pottawatomie County Emergency Management and the Pottawatomie County Sheriff's Office for reviewing the 800-MHz radios for compatibility and for writing letters of support for the grants.